Long overdue…Introducing: Millie!

Our apologies everyone… We’ve had this little darling for almost 2 months. We had some initial delays getting her integrated with the others…the timing of getting her to the vet to have her bloodwork done caused a couple weeks of delay; and right afterward, Minion had his little ‘adventure’ and surgery and recovery period. Seemed everything kept conspiring against me. But now, I diligently and at last have found the time to convert the video (I somehow filmed it upside down the entire time) and get it uploaded! No more excuses, just a nice 1am video treat for your weekend.

So, without further ado, we’d like to introduce the newest member of the ferret business, Millie!

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Minion’s status

Minion has finished all his meds as of Friday, and we’ve also put him back in the cage with the others. He’s taking part in playtimes, and is as playful and cute as ever. He’s just got the poodle haircut to deal with for a while longer, but we’re investigating a toupee as per his request. Stay tuned for other news that the little guy’s surgery caused us to postpone…


Minion is recovering well

We’ve been giving the little guy various meds 5 times daily. He still doesn’t like them (big surprise) but he’s very enthusiastic about treats afterwards. He’s also eaten some of his liquid carnivore care diet on his own accord a couple times. We still hand feed him that just as often however, and we’ve watered it down some since he wasnt making the effort to drink as much as we wanted.

His stools have been decent (with the exception of a very scary hairball that quite puzzled us for a while), and our reports on his progress to his doctor have been met with enthusiasm and praise for what so far is a very speedy recovery in her opinion. The medicine continues through Sunday at least, and we’re still keeping him separated from the others in the sick cage, sharing the office with us. He’s getting a bit restless at times, when the meds are wearing off and nearing his next dose; he tried to climb the cage wall once today!

Michele is feeling better as well, but I’m still wishing I could claw my sinuses out of my head.

Minion Update

After a day at the vet with IV fluids and dextrose, Minion’s condition had not improved; it had actually worsened slightly. His blood sugar wasn’t stabilizing, he wouldn’t eat, and he vomited some more. So slightly after 11pm we made the decision to have him go in for surgery…we managed to make it to the vet a couple minutes before our ferret specialist arrived (just after midnight), so we got to see him prior to the surgery, then we waited it out.


He came through ok at around 1:15am, and a blockage was removed. We don’t know what the blockage is, or where it came from (we are in the process of tearing the playroom apart trying to identify and remove it’s source). They also looked at his pancreas and his adrenal glands, and he showed no signs of tumors or problems there, which is happy news. He’s in recovery today, and has been eating his carnivore care diet enthusiastically. His bloodwork is good, but he is having some bloody stool.


We did just get a call that a mistake was made in his treatment just prior to surgery. A prep medicine was misread as a steroid instead of the dextrose supplement, so he was on a largish dose of that for a couple hours. They’re watching him closely, and have done some research and don’t believe it’s going to harm him; the suspected side effects they’re watching out for are ulcers, so they’re giving him a very strong acid inhibitor, and are going to keep him an extra day to monitor his recovery and make sure there are no ill effects.


Minion does it again…

Well, we just got back from the 24hr emergency vet. Minion started exhibiting the classic signs of an intestinal blockage late Saturday night, and after we tried to get some fluid into him without luck, we called ahead and took him in at around 4am. His vital signs are stable but he is definitely dehydrated. He’ll be getting some xrays to see if we can spot a blockage, but more importantly he’s getting an IV and some fluids in him to keep him stable.

For now he’s staying at the vet. We will keep you posted on any news.