Feb 172013

Zoe finally lost her fight with what was most likely lymphoma — and fight she did! Never have I met a stronger, more stubborn ferret than Zo-Zo Bean. She’ll be missed greatly by her mom Sydney in Ireland, and our little business is now so much smaller.


Feb 012013

Well…Minion just has all the luck. Or lack thereof. Poor guy was crying last Monday, keeping one eye shut. Nothing wrong with the eye that we could see that night….but the following evening he started developing a white spot in it, and was still keeping it closed. Off to the vet we go! He had an abscess forming in his eye, likely from it getting scratched during play.

We got him on some pain meds, and topical eye drops. A week later and its looking great! He has to keep getting eyes drops for several more days to be safe, but he gets to keep seeing at least!

But now for the bad news…his blood sugar has gone topsy turvy, so he’s developed insulinoma. And…he has a mass in his abdomen. He doesn’t like it being probed. We don’t know what it is, and the only way to find out is surgery. And our boy is getting old and less likely to handle that well, especially since he just had a round back in September.

So Minion gets daily meds for the insulinoma, and we have some more worrying and stress over how best to care for the little guy. Not a good day for me so far.

The only bright spot of the visit is Zoe, who went along for her checkup as well. Her blood work is improved from last month, so she’s holding on strong and doing better than expected at least.

Nov 092012

So Minsc and Millie are a bit…plump. Needless to say, now that winter has hit the first place to look for Zoe is beneath them in whatever bed they’re camping in. Their favorite right now is Jack Jack’s envelope hammock, but you have to make sure to remove Minsc and Millie and really reach in; Zoe is so small you don’t realize she’s in there until you poke her!

The ferrets are snug in their beds, the dog is snoring on the loveseat, and I’m freezing. It’s amazing how wimpy the South will make you! (It’s 66 degrees inside.)


P.S. Charged up the big camera recently and took some photos. Unfortunately, our backup station where we store them is on the fritz, so it’ll be a little while before I get them uploaded. :/

Oct 272012

Our apologies everyone… We’ve had this little darling for almost 2 months. We had some initial delays getting her integrated with the others…the timing of getting her to the vet to have her bloodwork done caused a couple weeks of delay; and right afterward, Minion had his little ‘adventure’ and surgery and recovery period. Seemed everything kept conspiring against me. But now, I diligently and at last have found the time to convert the video (I somehow filmed it upside down the entire time) and get it uploaded! No more excuses, just a nice 1am video treat for your weekend.

So, without further ado, we’d like to introduce the newest member of the ferret business, Millie!

Get the Flash Player to see this video.

Jul 112012

Back in May, we had visitors. Sydney, Zoe’s mom, was back in the States for a visit, and had her new husband Andrew along. So naturally, they had to come visit us and the ferrets! Sydney was overjoyed to see Zoe again, and it was Andrew’s first experience with ferrets. Naturally, Minion was his charming self, Minsc was a total goofball, and Zoe was approving of being treated like the little furry princess she is.