I love the squirrel tail. He, of course, is spazzing out wondering why he smells wrong (and trust me, he smelled PLENTY before the bath, yuck).
Tag: minsc
I…have no idea
I was probably wringing out some of the water in his fur and he twisted weird in my hands. I swear he’s fine. >.>;
Also, proof that he is indeed fat and it’s not just fur. Crikey.
He kinda looks like an Ewok
The Demented Hedgehog
Minsc’s first bath in the bathtub
He was not a fan. Prior to this I had only given him quick baths in the bathroom sink. He’s a little large for that now…
Playing in the Cage
My two massive dorks. Yes, we eat a lot of pop chips.
A Typical Playtime
Minsc being a dork, Zoe telling him off, JJ puttering around, and Minion off doing his own thing.
*Sorry for the delay, I caught a cold at the beginning of the month and it delayed this month’s updates!
Cow Disease
Every time I put the cow on the bed with Minion, he’d grab it, walk it out of the bed, drop it, then climb back into the bed. He did this 3 or 4 times. I wish I’d had the video camera on hand.
Blurry Minsc is blurry.
Minsc wants a kiss
He may regrett it though.