Minion: Eh, screw this.
A ferret a day keeps the blues away…
Male Sable
Okay, there’s not really a battle going on here. The ferrets are actually pretty fond of this chair in the ferret playroom at the cousin’s house. It’s nice and climbable!
Minion looks nice and sleek here.
Minion: Oooooo! You have a can! ME WANTY!
Me: No Minion. It’s already open. You can’t have it or anything that’s in it.
Me: Sigh.
(This is the ferret who loves to try and steal cans from you, and–if unopened–will open them for you too.)
Okay, that’s definitely JJ’s butt Minion is using for a pillow (because of the lack of hair), but then that’s JJ’s head right next to the butt/Minion. In the background you see Ys in a nice contorted position, looking like the hairless butt should belong to her…Augh!
Ysabell apparently has mutant Freddy Kruger claws. >.>;
Shame on you, Minion.
Definitely Minion attacking Ares this time, because that black butt with a pointed tail is Pepper.
With unidentified nose in the tube.
There’s no way to tell for sure, so I’m guessing that’s Minion attacking Ares this time (because Ares’ ears are Minions favorite binkies).