
Back in May, we had visitors. Sydney, Zoe’s mom, was back in the States for a visit, and had her new husband Andrew along. So naturally, they had to come visit us and the ferrets! Sydney was overjoyed to see Zoe again, and it was Andrew’s first experience with ferrets. Naturally, Minion was his charming self, Minsc was a total goofball, and Zoe was approving of being treated like the little furry princess she is.

Teaser Video: The Box of Happiness

We’re alive…I’ve just not had the heart to do JJ’s retrospective post. He was laid to rest the evening of April 23rd after we helped him to the bridge. He was bleeding out through his intestines and even our vet, as awesome as she is, couldn’t stabilize him.

His memorial post will be up eventually, but for now, here’s a quick teaser video, one of many I’ve taken and have yet to post. It even features our departed boy for part of it.

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