Tag: ferrets
The troglodytes cautiously emerge from their dwelling…
And let me tell you, that dwelling gets STINKY. They love it though.
JJ looking cute with his hair all spiked from sleeping in the blankets.
If I'm cute, you'll let me out, right?
Aughbrainmelting. (They do this sort of stuff every freaking day before we leave for work. Evil little brats.)
Smothering Minion
Needless to say, the hammock I made the ferrets is holding up under extreme duress. Minion emerged fine as well.
Ferret Yoga: The Itch
From a standing position, touch your front paws to your left hind foot. Then slowly stretch your right hind foot to your shoulder. Topple over onto your side.
Minion carpet sharking.
Nix contemplating a bite to eat…
Look at the tongue! LOOK AT IT!
Who's that ferret on the left?
That’s actually JJ: in the low light, you can really see how much yellow he has in his fur that is usually washed out in bright light. I love Ares’ paws up in the air.
This is JJ's "Fainting Goat" position
When he gets hyper, he’ll plop on the ground, roll on his back, and wave his paws in the air. Seriously.