Not dead

I’m not dead! Gara, Millie and I have moved into a new apartment, and they now have a whole bedroom all to themselves! They get full run of the room 24/7 and no more cage time unless they choose to go in. To say they’re happy would be an understatement. Not that you can tell it by looking at Gara.


Millie, on the other hand is showing her happiness…with naps:


The real problem at the moment is that I don’t have any lighting in the room. Natural light only, and thus it’s hard to get good pictures or video once the sun sets. But after many, many tries I get a good one now and then. As in the above.

I do have some videos from the latest trip to see the cousins…once I get some time to edit them I’ll schedule some posts full of action packed ferret playtime.

More sad news…Ares has left us.

Out of nowhere, we’ve lost Ares. The old guy was limp, cold, and unresponsive Saturday morning. Rushed in to the vet, found out he was at the tail end of a series of hypoglycemic seizures. They stabilized him with a heatpack (we’d given him one for the drive to the vet, too, from Zoe’s old supplies), a dextrose shot, and an IV catheter. He seemed to be perking up and improving, but he still wouldn’t eat.

After about 8 hours, he suddenly took a turn for the worse. He began bleeding in his intestines, as had Jack-Jack and Zoe when we lost them. We’d hoped because he was already in intensive care that there might be some hope, but after consulting with our primary vet and doing more bloodwork, we had to make the choice to let him go; his body was shutting down, and his organ functions were all over the place. When we arrived back at the vet to be with him in his last moments, he was obviously in discomfort and not at all his usual self.

He has been buried next to Draco, with a Kong toy between the two of them; their rivalry in stealing those from one another can continue now.

RIP little guy. I’m just happy you had such a long, rich life, and that I got to see you playing so happily for so many evenings.

Meet Polgara…at last.

Short video of Gara at her first vet visit, with me and a noisy toy trying to figure out if she’s deaf or not. Months later and the jury is still partially undecided there, but we *think* she can hear…but only when it suits her.

Much overdue, but hopefully more videos in the future if this one plays properly for folks; I’ve got a new system for the videos installed that should make them compatible with playing on mobile devices, and also make it easier and faster for me to move videos from my phone to the website.