I’m now on reaction-watch (remember Minion and the Canine Distemper reaction?). Thankfully, our two little ghosts seem to be doing fine thus far.
Of course, Minion has to make up for it.
I added a bit of ferretone to their playpen water bowl because Jack Jack simply doesn’t open his mouth–ever. So getting him to realize it’s yummy is proving difficult, and I need him to realize it’s yummy and ferret-catnip so that I can trim his huge nails. I walked away just for a moment, I promise.
I came back to Minion gulping down the spiked water. Oh boy. >.>
He got a bit of a time out after that so the others could have a chance to drink some of the water. That’s all well and good, but now Minion keeps scooting/oozing around on his tummy.
It’s funny, but also a little freaky.
Better picture of Ysabell (silver on the left) and Jack Jack (staring at the camera)

A few notes, because I can form sentences but not coherent paragraphs for some reason:
Ysabell is my funky spelling of Isabelle (her original name); it’s pronounced the same.
Jack Jack is my nickname for Jack (his original name); turns out his former owner nicknamed him that too.
Last night, Minion and Ysabell weren’t getting along; she kept pinning him to the ground and he’d flip out. This morning I got both of them to lick ferretone off each other, so now they get along fine. Jack Jack and Minion are now fighting every moment.
Ysabell weighs approximately 1.5 lbs; Jack Jack weighs about 2.5 lbs; Minion weighs 3 lbs. I always thought he had a bit of a booty on him. >.>