Stats: Male, Dark Eyed White (DEW)
Aliases: JJ, Baby, Old Man, Dork, Houdini, the Naked Molerat
Jack-Jack was our eldest ferret, around 6 years old in 2012. He came to us with Ysabell, and the two always got along best with one another. He definitely missed her when she passed.
He’d been afflicted by several of the common ferret ailments, having an adrenal tumor (treated by an implant), insulinoma (treated by prednisone), IDB (treated by metronidazole), and possibly lymphoma. While he hated the bitter medications, we gave him ferretone afterwards, and remained playful to the end.
He liked to sleep a lot as he got older, but we had him escape from the play area 3 times this year before sickness claimed him. In May, we discovered him unable to walk, in the bottom of the cage, and bleeding heavily from his intestines. We took him to the vet, but were unable to get him stabilized. With heavy hearts, we helped him cross the bridge, to rejoin Ysabell at last. They’re buried next to each other now, together at the end.
Jack-Jack was buried with a grape, because he loved them and was never allowed to have them (on purpose) because they were so bad for him. He also has one of my watchbands, of which he was a notorious thief. Velcro!