This shot also shows his stub nose!
Category: Not-A-Ferret
Sleepy hugs
Where’s Zoe?
So Minsc and Millie are a bit…plump. Needless to say, now that winter has hit the first place to look for Zoe is beneath them in whatever bed they’re camping in. Their favorite right now is Jack Jack’s envelope hammock, but you have to make sure to remove Minsc and Millie and really reach in; Zoe is so small you don’t realize she’s in there until you poke her!
The ferrets are snug in their beds, the dog is snoring on the loveseat, and I’m freezing. It’s amazing how wimpy the South will make you! (It’s 66 degrees inside.)
P.S. Charged up the big camera recently and took some photos. Unfortunately, our backup station where we store them is on the fritz, so it’ll be a little while before I get them uploaded. :/
Jack Jack’s last hurrah
He started having intestinal bleeding last night. He’s on his way home from the vet now.
2012: Not a great start
I’m sorry for no photos in January. We’ve been focusing more on getting Jack Jack his twice daily meds (and dealing with some health issues of our own) than on getting photos of the brats. I’ll have to get at least one photo to you soon–Minsc has finally lost his baby fat! He’s a lean, mean, playing machine now.
Ferrets are cats with shorter attention spans
Happy August!
Ferret pictures are uploaded through the end of August. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy them! They’re a bit Minsc heavy, but he’s such a hyper little butterball it’s hard not to take a ton of photos of him.
Video issues
Well, for some reason we’ve having trouble with our normal video converter for the website. I’ve got an alternate, but the videos it makes aren’t quite as nice looking as I think they should be. Sorry about that.
Video post incoming shortly, under this caveat.
In Memorial: Dratsab Ettil (? – December 2010)
This little guy hitched a ride into pogle’s work one day. Not wanting to banish him to a certain death outside (due to below freezing temperatures), he brought him home to me. I whipped up a temporary home, bought crickets to feed him, and arranged to borrow an aquarium for him. He died 3 days after we adopted him (and right after I spent a bunch of money on him, of course).
Since we already had the stuff, pogle then went out and bought two green tree frogs from the local pet store. They don’t do a whole lot, but they are fun to search for in their terrarium.