Um, Minsc? *poke poke*
Author: mrisinger
New and Improved
2012: Not a great start
I’m sorry for no photos in January. We’ve been focusing more on getting Jack Jack his twice daily meds (and dealing with some health issues of our own) than on getting photos of the brats. I’ll have to get at least one photo to you soon–Minsc has finally lost his baby fat! He’s a lean, mean, playing machine now.
This is Pepper, all grown up. She’s tiny! Aside from physical size and a pointed tail, she’s dead-ringer for Minion.
Jack Jack
He apparently was all out of poses.
Brief interlude
Draco doing his best to stash the duck. Now replace the duck with your toes and you know why I lived in fear of this little guy. The trick is to have a pair of shoes handy to distract him with; you have to take them off, though, because otherwise he’ll attack your feet and/or try to stash them with you still wearing them. >.>
Minion, the hammiest one of them all
I may be biased. I’ve also trimmed his nails. My poor neglected babies. >.<
Another slimmed down plumpy. He wasn’t having any of this photo crap.
In his new buff form. While I miss him as a plumpy, he’s still gorgeous. And obsessed with toes. Ow.
Minsc, aka “Fatty”
He apparently was having a bad butt day.