Author: mrisinger
I AM NOT HURTING HER. I’m trying to apply gentle pressure to her jaw hinges in the hopes she’ll release her grip a bit. This is a tricky procedure because you only get a split second before she chomps down again…either on the plastic or your fingers. The girl has the jaw strength of a freaking crocodile.
The only other trick to get her to open her mouth is to scruff her and hope it makes her yawn. To be honest, yawning is about the only effect scruffing has on our ferrets. 😛
Please notice that I have to use two hands just to hold on to the package. She’s a strong little ferret!
Ysabell decided that *she* should have gotten the Hot Chocolate for Christmas
Tucked in
The hammock wars
Minion’s a bit territorial about that hammock. If Jack Jack is sleeping there, Minion will just plop on top of him. Always. He doesn’t care that there’s another hammock level just below. The top bunk is *his*.