Author: mrisinger
Cut me some slack, I’m running out of witty titles ok?
Today marks the one year anniversary of Ferret-a-day. We did it! Every single day, I posted a picture of a carpet shark. Some were outrageous, some were hilarious, and some were obviously “I don’t have anything better to put up so here!” *insert random photo of sleeping ferret*
While I’m all for calling it quits (I officially hate editing photographs now), pogle has requested at least a weekday Ferret-a-day. I can’t exactly tell him no, since he does all that “real job” stuff and all. He’s so spoiled.
So, as of today, we’re moving to a weekday only schedule with occasional weekend bonus videos or pictures.
I suspect that you will all survive. 😛
That's it…sleepy…
…Yes, you.
You are getting sleepy…
I don't know what's going on here
But it’s kinda cute.
PJ Stealers
Shh! If you look over there, you'll see the rare polka-dotted ferret!
The cloth is actually a pair of footie pjs (what? don’t judge me!) that the ferrets have sort of adopted (aka stolen, quite literally–Jack Jack in particular is obsessed with the footie part).