Photographer: Um, no thanks. You already bit me this morning.
Ys: And I’m still hungry.
A ferret a day keeps the blues away…
Photographer: Um, no thanks. You already bit me this morning.
Ys: And I’m still hungry.
Why are there so many pictures of sleeping ferrets, you ask?
1. They sleep a lot.
2. You ever tried to get a good picture of a moving ferret? Didn’t think so. :p
Bandit, after a long period of illness (at least, long in ferret time), has passed on. We’ll all miss him.
? – April 8, 2009
Our heartfelt condolences to his human pets, Jessica and Jason.
All three ferrets on one hammock level. IT’S A DUAL HAMMOCK GUYS! 😛
He still hasn’t gotten up…
Jack Jack: You never let me have any fun! >:
See the original here: