Minion carpet sharking.
Author: mrisinger
Nix contemplating a bite to eat…
Look at the tongue! LOOK AT IT!
Who's that ferret on the left?
That’s actually JJ: in the low light, you can really see how much yellow he has in his fur that is usually washed out in bright light. I love Ares’ paws up in the air.
This is JJ's "Fainting Goat" position
When he gets hyper, he’ll plop on the ground, roll on his back, and wave his paws in the air. Seriously.
JJ looks good in plaid
Don’t worry, the rat tail you see here is gone! Yay!
Nix has apparently fainted
Or she’s just playing dead, tempting another ferret to step closer…
Plumpy butts!
Look at the size of those boys compared to Ys and Nix!
Long ferret
Yes, cliche, whatever. PICTURE! ENJOY!
Hey! The humans already stashed all the fun stuff! D:
Ys looking into the toy bin while Ares and Nix wait for loot.
Wait a minute, that's not a ferret…
Yeah, I know, but it’s too funny not to share. This is Hercules the Yorkie, who lives with pog’s mom. One of his hobbies is licking plastic bins.
He also likes to shred wrapping paper, so you can imagine Christmas is BIG. HUGE even. That little shred of paper is left over from his earlier rampage, in which we all sat in a circle and threw the wrapping paper into the center of the room…where Herky was. At one point he got impatient for more paper to shred and started running off with someone’s unwrapped gift.