Ferret antics and apologies.

We’ve slacked off on informing everyone that we’ve a new ferret — Polgara (Pole-Gar-Ah), whom we just call Gara (Gar-Ah). Her original name was “Chilly” and we adopted her from a local family a couple of months back. Due to her quarantine and some human health issues, we simply haven’t gotten around to getting pictures of her on here yet, for which I apologize.

While pogle was sitting in the playroom — poking ferrets with a felt-covered stick, causing joy and vexation all around — he apparently witnessed Gara climbing up onto the sick cage and leaping from the top (it’s about 2-3 feet off the ground). Down she goes…straight into the cornstarch peanut bin. He said she then repeated the action, quite deliberately. Crafty little minx!

Author: mrisinger

Librarian, crafter, ferret wrangler, geek

One thought on “Ferret antics and apologies.”

  1. Awww….she sounds adorable – another little fearless, wily wild one. 🙂 Hope everyone is enjoying their new sister, and that you are having a great time getting to know a new little personality!

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