And then Zoe arrived

July 002

And Minsc looks like he’s pooping kibble. o.O;

Especially funny since he was panic-pooping every time Zoe got near him for awhile (a side effect of Ys’ aggression before she passed).

Note: I just reached June in my backlog of photos, so that’s why you’re just now seeing Zoe in any photos. Sorry!

Author: mrisinger

Librarian, crafter, ferret wrangler, geek

One thought on “And then Zoe arrived”

  1. Minsc was panic-pooping when Zoe got near him for a while? Aww…poor little guy… Glad to see they seem to have fun together now- I laugh when he “speed-bumps” while waiting on her in the videos – the briefest “speed-bumps” I’ve ever seen, but still… 🙂

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