Theories on the Watch Thief

After last night’s demonstration, we’re pretty sure it was Jack Jack stealing pogle’s watch the other day.

Pogle and I are reading in bed when Jack Jack saunters up and starts investigating pogle’s ereader, a Sony Pocket with a book-like cover. He decides he really likes the cover and starts nosing at it from below, several times almost closing it. Naturally, we start encouraging him. [1]

“You can do it, Jack Jack!” And he does: a nice nose flick, and pogle’s cover is closed.

“Good boy, Jack Jack!” Pet, pet.

As a proud poppa, pogle gives Jack Jack a reward: “Here buddy, you can play with my watch. Good boy.”

Riiiip goes the velcro.

Sniff goes Jack Jack.

Chomp goes Jack Jack.

Off runs Jack Jack…

This time he stashed it under the night table. [2]


[1] We bring doom upon ourselves, we know. But he’s so cute and smart! /daw

[2] While looking for it, I discovered that Minsc had stashed my phone in its case at some point earlier in the evening.

Author: mrisinger

Librarian, crafter, ferret wrangler, geek

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