4 thoughts on “Hey, come back here!”

  1. Like their many relatives (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mustelidae), they have very fine but thick fur. Jack Jack’s is actually the roughest in terms of texture, being a bit wiry (but still very soft compared to, say, dogs). Ysabell now has the softest hair with her newest growth–downy is the only term to describe it.

    Our cousins’ ferret Nix (Albino female) has even SOFTER fur. I’d say she’s verging on alpaca soft (which, for non-fibre people, is considered one of the most “neck-soft” yarns).

    Which makes sense, really, as it seems to be the white undercoat that’s the softest, while the guard hairs (longer, and in non-albino ferrets often darker) are coarser. Minion still has the white undercoat, but it’s shadowed by his many dark guard hairs. Ysabell has the sprinkling of silver across her shoulders and back (her roughest areas). Old man just has a few dark hairs scattered throughout.

    I’m actually a bit concerned for the old man, as he’s losing a good bit of hair on his tail and hind legs. He’s always been an itchy fellow, so I don’t know if it’s just dry air or if he’s getting sick. I’ve been running a humidifier near their cage to try and help with the drier air. :/

  2. Also, compare Jack Jack’s tail to Ysabell’s. That’s not the hair loss causing that–she just got scritchies from pogle. 😛

    I think I was trying to get a picture of how bushy her tail gets when she gets scratched, but camera decided to focus on nearest object.

    Hi Jack. 😛

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