What doesn't belong? Author: mrisinger Librarian, crafter, ferret wrangler, geek View all posts by mrisinger
Your comment made me chuckle. I just watched Jurassic Park the other night. “Clever girl… *screams, dies*” In reality she was quite actively walking around the bin, as much as its possible to ‘walk’ while burrowing and changing elevations constantly. Log in to Reply
This will come as no surprise to anyone who knows the two of us, but the same quote echoed in my head after I said it :p Log in to Reply
Clever girl, trying to hide there…
Your comment made me chuckle. I just watched Jurassic Park the other night.
“Clever girl… *screams, dies*”
In reality she was quite actively walking around the bin, as much as its possible to ‘walk’ while burrowing and changing elevations constantly.
This will come as no surprise to anyone who knows the two of us, but the same quote echoed in my head after I said it :p
Muldoon was so much cooler in the book. They gave him rockets there 🙁