Pogle decided to crawl in with the ferrets the other day.
Now, Jack Jack isn’t a nibbler, so he’s pretty much just scooting around using Pogle as a jungle gym. The other two however… In this picture you see Pogle holding Ysabell up for the camera; what you might not see is Minion just under Pogle’s left knee and going for the toes hidden there.
Minion’s obviously having fun, but while Pogle’s distracted holding him in check Ysabell is sneaking around to nip at Pogle’s back.
There is no escape…when ferrets attack. >.>
Very entertaining….thanks for the laughs. From the very first second of the video, the grandferrets reminded me of sharks in the water…circling their prey. I would advise your costuming department to consider this for the next video. There just has to be a sequel! Loved it.
Aww, poor Ysabell at the very end is up on the edge like “butbut…play? :(”
Pitiful, but cute. ^^