Pogle had an old pair of flannel PJ pants that had been put into my scrap cloth bin. I needed bedding for the ferrets, so I pulled it out and used the drawstrings for the waist to tie it to the cage wire. I left the legs on to allow the ferrets to crawl up and down them. This picture was taken when I noticed a ferret lump in the pants and peeked up a leg.
It’s inside the cage. I tied it to the side of the cage inside so that they couldn’t drag it into the water bowl (which they do with any piece of movable cloth).
The mind reels at the hilarity that would ensue were one to attempt to put said pants on. >.>;
And he’s practically daring you to do so. Just look at that grin!
I really want to know how on earth this picture was taken…
Pogle had an old pair of flannel PJ pants that had been put into my scrap cloth bin. I needed bedding for the ferrets, so I pulled it out and used the drawstrings for the waist to tie it to the cage wire. I left the legs on to allow the ferrets to crawl up and down them. This picture was taken when I noticed a ferret lump in the pants and peeked up a leg.
How do you keep them from using it as an escape chute from the pen?
It’s inside the cage. I tied it to the side of the cage inside so that they couldn’t drag it into the water bowl (which they do with any piece of movable cloth).
Okay, so this pic just screams, “APRIL FOOLS!”
They’re his pants now, no foolin’ about it 🙂
Does kind of make me wish I’d somehow managed to deposit a ferret inside Meabh’s pants leg as a joke this year.