That was taken before we figured out how to trim them. See, Jack Jack doesn’t like treats so my usual Ferretone on the belly trick doesn’t work. We finally figured out the trick while at the vet: put one hand under his shoulders, the other hand under his butt, and gently rock him with one hand. It works to keep him calm while you’re holding him (he doesn’t like to be held), and by alternating which end you’re rocking it allows me to trim his nails. >.>
omg, his nails o.O;
That was taken before we figured out how to trim them. See, Jack Jack doesn’t like treats so my usual Ferretone on the belly trick doesn’t work. We finally figured out the trick while at the vet: put one hand under his shoulders, the other hand under his butt, and gently rock him with one hand. It works to keep him calm while you’re holding him (he doesn’t like to be held), and by alternating which end you’re rocking it allows me to trim his nails. >.>