7 thoughts on “Demon Ferret!”

  1. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 😀

    It’s like when a lion cub or something tries to be all aggressive…it doesn’t come across as anything but pure cute 😀

    What’s the precedent for the pic? Is he actually hissing/upset or just a random candid shot that caught him just right?

  2. If I had to guess, he was war dancing behind the litter box with just his head showing, and Pog’s sister was able to get a couple of really good shots of his face during it.

  3. Minion has a pretty good one (usually involves lots of hopping backwards and bumping into things). I’ve never seen Jack Jack war dance, but Ysabell SPAZZES. Her head starts doing this weird super rapid twitching motion that really looks freaky. Must get a video once I get these memory cards emptied. XD

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