The Anti-Jumping Device


We picked up a little ferret tower last night at Petsmart. It’s only about 2 feet tall and in the very middle of the playpen (which is 5 feet in diameter with walls around 3-4 feet tall). I’d been wanting to get a kitty tower for Minion to play on (he likes climbing and carpet, seemed perfect for him). Pogle was worried he’d fall and hurt himself, however, so this little one is a perfect compromise.

Last night while watching the ferrets play in/on it, we noticed Jack Jack sitting on top, peering intently at something in the distance. Then, without warning, he jumped.

I’m pretty sure I screamed. >.>

Jack Jack was able to get a tentative hold on one of the higher support bars for the cage but couldn’t maintain a grip on it, so he toppled to the ground, almost into the water bowl. He was pefectly fine, or at least well enough to try again. >.<

Then Minion decided to mimic him a couple of times. >.<

Needless to say, this behavior had to be stopped. Thus, the Anti-Jumping Device!


Otherwise known as the ferret ball with one end closed strapped to the tower with a belt donated to the ferrets by Pogle’s mom. So far it’s working perfectly. 😛

Author: mrisinger

Librarian, crafter, ferret wrangler, geek

One thought on “The Anti-Jumping Device”

  1. I like the ferret wash-o-matic (term by Ames), dirty ferret goes in, is scrubbed, starts to emerge from the top to show his true colors…of course this is a very looooong ferret.

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