
You’ve all met Minion, of course:


Now meet his new friends, Jack Jack and Ysabell:


Jack Jack is a Dark-Eyed White male about 2 years old and Ysabell is a Silver Mitt female about 1 year old. They’re both going in for their shots this morning, so hopefully that goes well. They are both getting along well with Minion, particularly since Ysabell (the 1 lb. female who likes to kick both of the 3 lb. boys’ butts) decided she liked ferratone. Jack Jack is more of an enigma: he doesn’t seem to smell ferretone even when it’s on his stomach, and he does this constant chuckling/singing thing which is really interesting. I’m beginning to wonder if he has some smell/hearing issues, so I’ll be doing some research into that.

They’ve had a couple of extended play sessions together in the playpen since we picked them up last night. Minion’s currently by himself in his big cage as we’ve been trying to give him “alone” time so he doesn’t feel like the other two are ganging up on him. Once he gets near the playpen though, his paws start clawing the air in a “let me in! let me in!” motion, so I think he’s excited to have friends to play with.

Which, of course, was the point.

Author: mrisinger

Librarian, crafter, ferret wrangler, geek

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