Yeah, Meabh converts any clothing we buy that doesn’t fit into ferret bedding…which includes a package of too-small boxers. She told me you’d key right in on that, actually asked if I wanted her to edit the picture to crop them out 🙂 Log in to Reply
I’m firmly convinced she can read minds and predict the future on occasion. All women can. But only about trivial things 😉 Log in to Reply
That reminds me of the scene from the beginning of Cliffhanger…
I see London, I see France, I see someone’s underpants >.>
Yeah, Meabh converts any clothing we buy that doesn’t fit into ferret bedding…which includes a package of too-small boxers.
She told me you’d key right in on that, actually asked if I wanted her to edit the picture to crop them out 🙂
I’m not *that* predictable, am I? O.o;
I’m firmly convinced she can read minds and predict the future on occasion. All women can. But only about trivial things 😉