Jun 292011

Crazy busy around here, what with new a new ferret, sick ferrets, and heavy work schedules. The good news is, there is a new fuzzbutt in the house as of May 31st. We’ll be working on posting some videos of her this weekend. Feel free to pester the pogle.

For now, though, I will try to satisfy your ferretitis with a funny story.

A couple of days ago we were so tired that we fell asleep during playtime. Now, it’s pretty common for one of us to fall asleep while the other one is up reading and interacting with the ferrets [1]. This is the first time that both of us have fallen asleep at the same time. Upon waking and discovering the mischief that went on while we were sleeping [2], pogle put away the ferrets and came back to the bedroom to get ready for bed.

At which point he asks me, “Where’s my watch?”

Usually his watch sits on his nightstand right by the bed. It seems that during our nap an ambitious ferret either walked over pogle to get to the nightstand, or craftily reached up a paw from the shelf below, to abscond with the prized item. It took us a good fifteen minutes of shaking out the bed covers and checking all of the stash spots to finally find where the watch had been hidden. The culprit was most likely Jack Jack, who loves that watch because of its velcro band, but I honestly wouldn’t put it past any of the rascals.


[1] Which naturally includes encouraging little cold ferret noses to touch the sleeping person or assisting in blanket raids.

[2] Including pogle loudly proclaiming, “Why is there pee everywhere?!”

  One Response to “The Case of the Disappearing Watch”

  1. Was his a Timex? Cause they take a licking and keep on ticking.